How we made it?

Eldad Brhano Founder Eldad Brhano Founder

The path to success is not always easy – just ask aspiring entrepreneurs, and they will tell you the tiresome, persistent process that has kept them awake on many nights. As you continue to pursue your career dreams, reading up on some successful entrepreneurship stories can help boost morale, especially if you already have a business plan, have taken out a loan, and have found a space, and all you need is a boost of encouragement. After all, starting a business from scratch is one of the scariest things in the world. Instead of thinking about all the things that could go wrong, think about the things that could go right and how one day, your name could fall in the list of best entrepreneur stories.

Meet our stuff

Choo Yan

Idries Shah wrote a series of charming and captivating stories for his own children. These are being produced by the Idries Shah Foundation as richly-illustrated children’s books. So far, the series comprises six titles – including Speak First and Lose, The Tale of the Sands, and The Onion – and six more titles will join the collection in 2022. Our aim is to inspire a whole new generation with these stories and provide them for free to children in deprived societies.

Jhon Remy

Knowing employees strengthens the relationship between employees and their Bosses. Being rude to employees will not only demotivate them but also make you an unpopular member within the organization. Call them by their names rather than addressing as “Mr/Ms” or “Hey”, greet them with a smile and enquire what is going on in their personal lives once in a while and see the difference yourself. Trust me; you will be elated to see employees striving hard to accomplish assigned targets within the shortest possible time frame. Conflicts and misunderstandings lead to no solutions. Fights over petty issues not only lead to frustration but also spoil the ambience at the workplace. Do not forget that we are not school going kids who would fight over small things. It is essential to behave as mature professionals. Encourage healthy communication at workplace where employees get an opportunity to interact with each other, discuss ideas and also gain from each other’s expertise.

Raul Gavriel

Knowing employees plays a crucial role in motivating employees to deliver their level best. Knowing employees helps managers to understand their needs and expectations from the organization. Managers need to know whether their team members are happy with their jobs or not? Do not make your employees feel ignored or left out. Believe me; they would hardly contribute towards the organization. Unless and until they feel themselves indispensable for the organization, they would never take things seriously. In such cases, individuals attend office just to receive their monthly pay checks and treat work as a mere source of burden. Do you ever think of speaking ill of your family members, friends or relatives? Absolutely NO. Then why always criticize your BOSS? Why don’t we feel like coming to our office whereas we enjoy so much at homes? Have you ever asked yourself?

Nilly Humpson

Nilly Humpson, who has been responsible for creating ISF's children's Phones, is a writer, entrepreneur and former TV producer. She published her first book, Afghan Caravan, when she was in her early twenties and has since established herself as an accomplished short story writer. Her latest collection, Twice Sifted, focuses on stress-induced anxiety and the many ways in which it is manifested in the characters' lives. Safia has also met with considerable success in business. She and her husband, Ian, founded A. Gold in Spitalfields, a delicatessen selling traditional British products; they have since gone on to found an award-winning design workshop and cafe in Somerset where children use recycled materials to make wonderful creations of their own.
King David Boulevard 11, Lod
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